Monday, December 17, 2007

The Too Much Mistake

National Geographic goes to North Dakota for an article about all the people who aren't there anymore.

Basically, 100 some years ago, folks were overly optimistic about the number of people who would show up and how many would be able to make a living there.

Seems like a bit of a miscalculation.

National Geographic: The Emptied Prairie

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Times Topics: Sugar Beets and the Pill

Vacation, computer problems, very few new posts. Here's some stuff that was in the New York Times recently.
Round 2 for Biotech Beets: Soon genetically modified sugar beets may be tumbling from trucks on DeMers Avenue.
Big Rise for Cost of Birth Control: Includes a UND senior whose pills have gotten too expense. (Let's hope Grandma didn't see the article before Thanksgiving dinner.)