Drinking wine from North Dakota may ruin your meal. Or more accurately, believing you are drinking wine from North Dakota can ruin your meal, according to a scientific study.
Researchers gave one group of diners wine labeled as a product of California and another group the same wine, but labeled as being from North Dakota. The result was that the group drinking the "North Dakota wine" gave their wine and meals lower marks than the other group. The explanation is that the expectation of getting an inferior experience becomes self-fulfilling.
Let's hope this is too discouraging to North Dakota vintners. But it's all in the mind, right? Or is it all the marketing?
Bah, California gets all the props. California advertises its *cheese*, of all things. Against Wisconsin, even.
Maybe we should take a page from that playbook. If we could make North Dakota as synonymous with pasta as Florida is with oranges, we could finally get some respect at the dinner table.
Pasta is where its at.
We could beat California in Snowballs too.
What about confectionary sunflower seeds? You can't get decent seeds ANYWHERE outside of North Dakota. I know friends who send cases of sunflower seeds to family members living out of state. We should be the Sunflower Seed Capital of the World!
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